NITROUS OUTLET WinMax TPS and RPM Activated Window Switch

Code: NO-00-61001

NO WinMax TPS and RPM Activated Window Switch


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  • Small, Compact, and User Friendly
  • 2 Trigger Outputs for External Timing Retard Unit
  • Clear & Easy To Read Display
  • Live RPM and TPS Display
  • Single or Dual Stage Nitrous Activation
  • Bright Back-lit LCD Display
  • Up to 3 Gear Lockouts
  • Stage 1 and 2 Activation LED Indicator
  • Built-In LED Shift Light
  • Works with any 4-Cycle Engine With 1 To 12 Cylinders
  • Perfect For A Drive-By-Wire Vehicle
  • TPS Activation and Deactivation
  • RPM Activation and Deactivation
  • Works With A Wide Open Throttle Switch
  • Proudly Made In The USA

What It Is:
The WinMax is a TPS activated RPM window switch. The backlit LCD display and bright LED indicators give the best in visibility. It is an extremely user-friendly device that is easy to read and program. The detailed step-by-step instructions walk you through setting up all of the available options. Plus, its Made in the USA!

What It Does:
The WinMax offers control of single or dual stage nitrous systems and single or dual trigger outputs for external timing retard units. It can be activated by rising or falling TPS signals or by a 12v WOT switch. RPM input can be configured for 1 to 12 cylinder 4-stroke engines with Distributor or coil on plug/coil near plug ignitions. It has a built-in programmable shift light as well as up to 3 programmable gear lockouts.

Why You Need It:
Any vehicle with a Throttle Position Sensor, especially Drive-by-Wire vehicles, benefit from the use of a TPS activation switch. We do not recommend activating the nitrous below 80% throttle, and the WinMax can be programmed to do this automatically. Also, activating the nitrous below 3000 RPM is not advised, so the window switch fuction can be programmed to activate the nitrous at or above that threshold and to deactivate it before you come up on your rev-limiter. Plus, you can program up to 3 gear lockouts, allowing you to launch and gain wheelspeed before activating the nitrous so you maintain traction. Finally, the programmable shift light gives you a visual notification of your desired shift point with is bright LED indicators.